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Technical Standardization

SDS’s integrated team of experts helps the farmers/Farmer Collectives to scale up production by standardization of the package of Practices (PoP) & dissemination. SDS develops a keen understanding of the grass root practices, community concerns, environmental & climatic context & then leverage the organizational learning to standardize the process. SDS has extended this service to entire NE states, Bihar & Odisha in the area of: Agriculture, Poultry, Fishery, Piggery, Small Ruminants, Aromatic Plants, Nutrition Garden & Horticulture crops.


Access to high cost mechanization and IT Solutions is made possible for small land holders through SDS by bringing Industry, Farmer's bodies, Financers & multi-sectoral agencies together to create a template to boost production. The SoP’s are developed optimally keeping the farmer in the centre of every approach & thereby making the adoption high.

Value Chain Development

SDS’s consulting professionals provide value chain development by collaborating and integrating all the set of activities that takes place by involvement of various actors interacting at various nodes to get a product/ service from the origination to the end consumer. Our experience of numerous Value Chain studies in Agriculture & livestock sector to bring out rich & insightful analysis for all the stakeholders helps to increase value across the value chain and minimize losses & increase actors share making the value chain sustainable & resilient.

Branding & Marketing

SDS can help your agriculture produce develop into a brand and stand out in a non-differentiated market. In the absence of distinction, Branding activities become more crucial to boost returns. SDS has achieved breakthrough in branding by building services around the product to stand it apart from the competitors thereby securing market share even in the absence of any external differentiating feature.

We provide well rounded services to assist small holders achieve transformation in production and market practices.

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